AASHTO M 207M/M 207-15
- Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe (ASTM Designation: C 507M-13a and C 507-13a)
- standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2015
- Publisher: AASHTO
This specification is a manufacturing and purchase specification only, and does not include requirements for bedding, backfill, or the relationship between field load condition and the strength classification of pipe. However, experience has shown that the successful performance of this product depends upon the proper selection of the class of pipe, type of bedding and backfill, and care that the installation conforms to the construction specifications. The owner of the reinforced concrete pipe specified herein is cautioned that he must correlate the field requirements with the class of pipe specified and provide inspection at the construction site.
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