• AASHTO M 320-09
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AASHTO M 320-09

  • Standard Specification for Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder
  • standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2009
  • Publisher: AASHTO


This specification covers asphalt binders graded by performance. Grading designations arerelated to the average seven-day maximum pavement design and minimum pavement designtemperatures. This specification contains Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3. If no table is specified, thedefault is Table 1.

1.2. Table 2 incorporates R 49 for determining the critical low cracking temperature using acombination of T 313 and T 314 test procedures.

1.3. Table 3 incorporates TP 70 (MSCR) for determining non-recoverable creep compliance, Jnr. ForTable 3, "S", "H", or "V" grade must be specified for standard, high, or very high traffic loading,respectively.

Note 1--For asphalt cements graded by viscosity at 60°LC, see M 226.
Note 2--R 29 provides information for determining the performance grade of an asphalt binder.

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