• AASHTO PP 50-03 (2005)
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AASHTO PP 50-03 (2005)

  • Standard Practice for Operating Inertial Profilers and Evaluating Pavement Profiles
  • standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials,
  • Publisher: AASHTO


This test method describes the procedure for operating and verifying the calibration of an inertial profiler. This test method is meant to be performed as a Quality Assurance (QA) test for use with the appropriate smoothness specification for paving operations. It is not meant to be required as a Quality Control (QC) procedure to monitor daily paving operations; however, this method is recommended when inertial profilers are used for QC testing and for network level data collection. It also provides evaluation procedures for the profiles that are generated and a methodology for resolution of disputes arising from suspect profiler output.

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