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AASHTO PP 65-11 (2016)
- Standard Practice for Determining the Reactivity of Concrete Aggregates and Selecting Appropriate Measures for Preventing Deleterious Expansion in New Concrete Construction
- standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2011
- Publisher: AASHTO
This practice describes approaches for identifying potentially deleteriously reactive aggregates and selecting appropriate preventive measures to minimize the risk of expansion when such aggregates are used in concrete. Both alkali-silica reactive and alkali-carbonate reactive aggregates are covered. Preventive measures for alkali-silica reactive aggregates include avoiding the reactive aggregate, limiting the alkali content of the concrete, using blended cement, using supplementary cementitious materials, using lithium nitrate as an admixture, or a combination of these measures. Preventive measures for alkali-carbonate reactive rocks are limited to avoiding the reactive aggregate.
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