• AASHTO PP 81-14 (2016)
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AASHTO PP 81-14 (2016)

  • Standard Practice for Intelligent Compaction Technology for Embankment and Asphalt Pavement Applications
  • standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2014
  • Publisher: AASHTO


This work shall consist of compaction of roadway embankment, or asphalt pavement, or both, using Intelligent Compaction (IC) rollers within the limits of the work described in the plans or provisions.

IC is defined as a process that uses rollers equipped with a measurement-documentation system that automatically records compaction parameters (e.g., spatial location, stiffness, temperature, pass count, vibration amplitude and frequency) in real-time during the compaction process. IC rollers equipped with accelerometers use roller vibration measurements to assess mechanistic material properties and to ensure that optimum compaction and uniformity is achieved through continuous monitoring of operations.

The contractor shall supply sufficient numbers of rollers, and other associated equipment, necessary to complete the compaction requirements for the specific materials.

This specification is to be applied during the contractor's quality control.

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