• AASHTO R 55-10 (2013)
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AASHTO R 55-10 (2013)

  • Standard Practice for Quantifying Cracks in Asphalt Pavement Surface
  • standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2010
  • Publisher: AASHTO


This practice covers the procedures for quantifying cracking in asphalt pavement surfaces, both in wheelpath and non-wheelpath areas. Detailed specifications are not included for equipment or instruments used to make the measurements. According to this standard, any process that can quantify, with the accuracy stipulated herein, and that can be adequately validated, is considered acceptable.

Note 1-Standardization will produce consistent pavement condition estimates for network-level pavement management. As an option, the user may define and collect other data, such as edge cracking, centerline cracks, and transverse cracks. This standard is designed for use primarily with automated data collection equipment. However, accommodations have been made for manual methods.

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