• AASHTO R 56-10
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AASHTO R 56-10

  • Standard Practice for Certification of Inertial Profiling Systems
  • standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2010
  • Publisher: AASHTO


This practice describes a certification procedure for test equipment used to measure a longitudinalsurface elevation profile of highways based on an inertial reference system that is mounted on ahost vehicle. The minimum requirements stipulated herein are intended to focus on the need foraccurate and repeatable profile measurements during construction. It is also applicable tocertifying the performance of profiler systems utilized in network data collection.

This practice describes minimum performance requirements for inertial profiling systems to be used for quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) of surface roughness on Owner-Agency paving projects where a profile-based roughness construction specification is applicable. The same approach should be utilized for network data collection systems; however, different performance criteria may be employed.

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