AASHTO R 63-13
- Standard Practice for Solid Wall High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Conduit for Non-Pressure Applications Used for the Protection of Power and Telecommunications Cables
- standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2013
- Publisher: AASHTO
This standard practice covers conduit used in the following manner:
- HDPE pipe used as a casing for the protection of smaller individual condui9ts, innerducts, in road crossings;
- HDPE conduit in coils, on steel reels, or in straight sticks; and
- CIC (cable in conduit), when power cable (conductors), CATV (coaxial), or fiber optic cable is installed in the conduit at the conduit manufacturing facility.
- HDPE pipe is commonly installed in standalone duct installations for the protection of power cable, CATV, or fiber optic cable.
- HDPE pipe is commonly installed in standalone duct applications for road crossings when the bury depth is sufficient to avoid degration effects to the road.
- HDPE pipe is commonly installed in standalone duct applications parallel to the roadway.
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