AASHTO T 134-05 (2013)
- Standard Method of Test for Moisture-Density Relations of Soil-Cement Mixtures
- standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2005
- Publisher: AASHTO
A 944-cm3 (1/30-ft3) mold and a 2.5-kg (5.5-lb) rammer dropped from a height of 305 mm (12 in.) are used and two methods, depending on soil gradation, are covered, as follows:
Method A - Soil material passing a 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve. This method shall be used when 100 percent of the soil sample passes the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve.
Method B - Soil material passing a 19.0-mm (3/4-in.) sieve. This method shall be used when part of the soil sample is retained on the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve.
This test method applies to soil-cement mixtures that have 30 percent or less retained on the 19.0-mm (3/4-in.) sieve, when Method B is used. The material retained on these sieves shall be defined as oversized particles (coarse particles).
The following applies to all specified limits in this standard: For the purposes of determining conformance with these specifications, an observed value or a calculated value shall be rounded off to the nearest unit in the last right-hand place of figures used in expressing the limiting value, in accordance with R 11.
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