• AASHTO T 322-07 (R2016)
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AASHTO T 322-07 (R2016)

  • Standard Method of Test for Determining the Creep Compliance and Strength of Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) Using the Indirect Tensile Test Device
  • standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2007
  • Publisher: AASHTO


This standard provides procedures for determining the tensile creep compliance at different loading times, tensile strength and Poisson's ratio of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) using indirect loading techniques.

The procedure described in this standard provide the data required to conduct the thermal cracking analysis. These procedures apply to test specimins having a maximum aggregate size of 38 mm or less. Specimens shall be 38 to 50 mm high and 150 ± 9 mm in diameter

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