• AASHTO T 361-16
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AASHTO T 361-16

  • Standard Method of Test for Determining Asphalt Binder Bond Strength by Means of the Asphalt Bond Strength (ABS) Test
  • standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2016
  • Publisher: AASHTO


This test method quantifies the tensile force needed to remove a pull-off stub adhered to a solid substrate with asphalt binder. Samples are prepared at controlled environmental and moisture conditions (i.e., temperature and humidity). After conditioning, a pneumatic load is applied to a pull-off stub using an ASTM D4541 Type IV adhesion tester until failure. The pull-off tensile strength and mode of failure are used to describe the bonding properties of the asphalt binder and compatibility between aggregates and asphalt binders.

This standard was formerly designated as provisional standard TP 91.

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