• AATCC 188-2003
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AATCC 188-2003

  • Colorfastness to Sodium Hypochlorite Bleach in Home Laundering
  • standard by American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, 01/01/2003
  • Publisher: AATCC


1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method is used to determine the colorfastness to sodium hypochlorite bleach, commonly called "chlorine bleach," in home laundering of textiles which are expected to withstand frequent laundering. 1.2 Results of this test method may be used in combination with other testing for establishing care instructions.1.3 If a chlorine bleach contains ingredients other than the sodium hypochlorite, it is the total effect of these chemicals on the color change that is being evaluated.1.4 This test method is designed for home laundering devices. An accelerated colorfastness test simulating multiple home laundering (including those with sodium hypochlorite) is described in Test Method 61, Colorfastness to Laundering, Home and Commercial: Accelerated. There is no known correlation between those sections of Method 61 and this method.2.Principle 2.1 Specimens are laundered under appropriate conditions of temperature, detergent solution, chlorine bleach solution and abrasive action for five home laundering cycles. The laundered specimens are evaluated for color change.

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