• AATCC 79-2007
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AATCC 79-2007

  • Absorbency of Bleached Textiles
  • standard by American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, 01/01/2007
  • Publisher: AATCC


Absorbency is one of several factors that influence textile processing such as fabric preparation, dyeing and the application of finishes. Often interchanged with the term wettability, the absorbency characteristics of a fabric can influence the uniformity and completeness of bleaching and dyeing by the ability to take in water into the fiber, yarn or fabric construction. The suitibility of a fabric for a particular use, as in the case of gauze or toweling, is also dependent upon a fabric's ability and propensity to take up water. The absorbency of yarns or textile fabrics can be determined by this test method. This test method was originally entitled as "Absorbency of Beached Testiles," but it has now been broadened to include the eva;uation of other forms of textiles.

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