• ADA 1048-2011
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ADA 1048-2011

  • Attachment of DICOM Datasets Using E-Mail in Dentistry - Technical Report
  • standard by American Dental Association, 01/13/2011
  • Publisher: ADA


This report provides a technical specification based on the DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) version 3 Standard as it applies to dentistry with the goal of increasing interoperability between practitioners. In particular, this report highlights the benefits of the ZIP File over E-mail Interchange Profiles of the DICOM Standard for dentists or specialists who don't share the same image data repository, but need to exchange patient data in a fast and secure manner. The full DICOM version 3 Standard is available for download on the webpage of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), http://medical.nema.org. The DICOM Standard provides details and specific explanations that are beyond the scope of this ADA technical report.

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