• AEIC CG12-14
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AEIC CG12-14

  • Guide for Minimizing the Cost of Extruded Dielectric Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 through 46 kV - 2nd Edition
  • standard by Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, 10/01/2014
  • Publisher: AEIC


This guide provides general information that can be used to minimize the initial purchase cost of extruded dielectric cable rated 5 through 46 kV. Each design variable may have an impact on the performance of both the cable and the accessories used on the cable. The person specifying cable must carefully consider each design variable or option and the impact these items may have on the overall performance of the cable system before making any decisions.

The design variables and options identified in this document shall not be considered to be recommendations of the AEIC. These variables are listed only to allow the user to be aware of some options to consider when attempting to reduce the initial purchase cost of their cable. The user should consider whether any variable might reduce the long-term performance of their underground cable systems before adopting any of the items listed in this document.

It is suggested that prior to developing a new cable specification, the user refer to AEIC CG10, "Guide for Developing Specifications for Extruded Power Cables Rated 5 through 46 kV" and AEIC CS8, "Specification for Extruded Dielectric Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 through 46 kV".

To minimize the cost of cable, the user will need to know the design, labeling, packaging, testing, and qualification options that are available and the impact these options may have on the cost and performance of cable. The user also needs to understand the impact these options have on the cable manufacturer. The remaining sections of this guide are provided to assist the user in better understanding these options.

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