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AMCA 240-15
- Laboratory Methods of Testing Positive Pressure Ventilators for Aerodynamic Performance Rating
- Handbook / Manual / Guide by Air Movement and Control Association, 05/09/2015
- Publisher: AMCA
This standard may be used as the basis for the test of aPPV when air is used as the test gas. Each test shall belimited to one PPV per test. A PPV tested in accordancewith this standard shall be freestanding and without a ductworkconnection to the test chamber, thereby allowing forthe measurement of entrained airflow.
Any item of equipment designed or intended for applicationsother than positive pressure ventilation is not withinthe scope of this standard.
The parties to a test for guarantee purposes may agreein writing on exceptions to this standard prior to the test.However, only a test that does not violate the mandatoryrequirements of this standard shall be designated as a testconducted in accordance with this standard.
Any item of equipment designed or intended for applicationsother than positive pressure ventilation is not withinthe scope of this standard.
The parties to a test for guarantee purposes may agreein writing on exceptions to this standard prior to the test.However, only a test that does not violate the mandatoryrequirements of this standard shall be designated as a testconducted in accordance with this standard.
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