• AMCA 611-15
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AMCA 611-15

  • Certified Ratings Program - Product Rating Manual for Airflow Measurement Stations
  • Handbook / Manual / Guide by Air Movement and Control Association, 12/29/2015
  • Publisher: AMCA


The purpose of this document is to prescribe and establishprocedures to be used in the development and publicationof certified performance ratings for airflow measurementstations. Certified ratings provide assurance to thebuyer, user and specifier that the manufacturer's publishedperformance ratings for airflow measurement stations arerepeatable. The ratings also provide information on how theproduct was tested, what appurtenances (accessories oroptional equipment) were accounted for in the ratings andother pertinent information.

This publication provides a procedure for the verificationof the manufacturer's performance ratings on a regularschedule through check-testing of products in the AMCAInternational laboratory.

The publication also provides assurance that competitiveratings are comparable at the point where the output data isacquired and that they are based on standard test methodson ratings procedures.

This publication is an extension of the AMCA Certified RatingProgram. Information on the operation of the program isgiven in AMCA Publication 11, Certified Ratings Program 'Operating Manual.

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