• ANS 10.8-2015
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ANS 10.8-2015

  • Non-Real-Time, High-Integrity Software for the Nuclear Industry - User Requirements
  • standard by American Nuclear Society, 11/19/2015
  • Publisher: ANS


This standard establishes the minimum requirements for the acceptance and use of non-real-time, high-integrity software used for design and analysis in the nuclear industry. This standard is directly related to ANSI/ANS-10.7-2013 which provides requirements for the developer of non-real-time, high-integrity software. The activities described in this standard enable an end user of complex simulation software to assure, when software has been developed in accordance with appropriate requirements, that the software will meet the specific identified needs of the end user and that the software is installed and used in a correct manner. The type of software discussed in this standard is software used for the analysis, design, and simulation of complex physical systems and phenomena. This type of software requires a high degree of functional reliability in order to reduce the risk of undetected errors.

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