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ANS 2.10-2003
- Criteria for the Handling and Initial Evaluation of Records from Nuclear Power Plant Seismic Instrumentation
- standard by American Nuclear Society, 04/14/2003
- Publisher: ANS
This standard provides criteria for the timely retrieval and the subsequent processing, handling, and storage of data obtained from seismic instrumentation specified in ANSI/ANS-2.2-2002. Also included are initial evaluation criteria to determine whether earthquake motion at the site has exceeded the plant's operating basis earthquake ground motion (OBE).This standard does not address procedures for plant walkdowns immediately (within 8 hours) after an earthquake, for ensuring a safe and orderly shutdown, for long-term evaluations of the building and equipment response data, and for subsequently returning the plant to operation. These topics are addressed in ANSI/ANS-2.23-2002.
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