The core purpose of ANS is to promote the awareness and understanding of the application of nuclear science and technology.
Volume Reduction of Low-Level Radioactive Waste or Mixed Waste
$55.00 $110.00
Mobile Radioactive Waste Processing Systems
$71.00 $142.00
Mobile Low-Level Radioactive Waste Processing Systems
$73.00 $146.00
Verification and Validation of Radiological Data for Use in Waste Management and Environmental Remed
$81.00 $161.00
Decay Heat Power in Light Water Reactors
$76.00 $152.00
Decay Heat Power in Light Water Reactors
$76.00 $152.00
Decay Heat Power in Light Water Reactors
$84.00 $167.00
Airborne Release Fractions at Non-Reactor Nuclear Facilities
$66.00 $132.00
Method for Calculating the Fractional Release of Volatile Fission Products from Oxide Fuel
$24.00 $47.00
Method for Calculating the Fractional Release of Volatile Fission Products from Oxide Fuel
$39.00 $78.00
Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized Water Reactor Plants
$105.00 $210.00
Auxiliary Feedwater System for Pressurized Water Reactors
$55.00 $110.00
Auxiliary Feedwater System for Pressurized Water Reactors
$55.00 $110.00
Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Boiling Water Reactor Plants
$104.00 $208.00
Nuclear Safety Design Process for Modular Helium-Cooled Reactor Plants
$117.00 $233.00
Showing 106 to 120 of 223 (15 Pages)