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ASME A112.19.14-2013
- Six Liter Water Closets Equipped with a Dual Flushing Device
- standard by ASME International, 01/21/2014
- Publisher: ASME
This Standard establishes physical, material, testing,and marking requirements for 6-L water closets thatincorporate a water-conserving, dual-flushing featureinto the fixture. The tests specified in this Standard arefor the removal of liquid wastes and toilet tissue orother comparable waste loads that are expected whenactuating the reduced flush feature of the unit.
The use of alternate materials or methods is permitted,provided that the proposed material and method complywith the performance requirements and the intentof this Standard.
The use of alternate materials or methods is permitted,provided that the proposed material and method complywith the performance requirements and the intentof this Standard.
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