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ASME A120.1-2014
- Safety Requirements for Powered Platforms and Traveling Ladders and Gantries for Building Maintenance
- standard by ASME International, 02/09/2016
- Publisher: ASME
This Standard establishes safety requirements forpowered platforms (scaffolds) for buildings where windowcleaning and related services are accomplished bymeans of suspended equipment at heights in excess of35 ft (11 m) above a safe surface (e.g., grade, street, floor,or roof level). Additionally, this Standard establishessafety requirements for permanent traveling ladders andgantries (TLG).
It pertains to either permanently installed or transportableequipment meeting the requirements of thisStandard.
Powered platforms and TLGs may be used or operatedby one or more persons engaged in services such asnormal building maintenance. The equipment may alsobe used for tasks such as caulking, metal polishing,reglazing, or other building repairs.
This Standard does not apply to other suspendedpowered platforms used for remedial renovations ormodifications to buildings. The safe use of these scaffoldsis included in ANSI A10.8-2001, SafetyRequirements for Scaffolding.
This Standard does not relate to any service performedby persons supported by equipment covered by any ofthe ANSI A92 standards.
It pertains to either permanently installed or transportableequipment meeting the requirements of thisStandard.
Powered platforms and TLGs may be used or operatedby one or more persons engaged in services such asnormal building maintenance. The equipment may alsobe used for tasks such as caulking, metal polishing,reglazing, or other building repairs.
This Standard does not apply to other suspendedpowered platforms used for remedial renovations ormodifications to buildings. The safe use of these scaffoldsis included in ANSI A10.8-2001, SafetyRequirements for Scaffolding.
This Standard does not relate to any service performedby persons supported by equipment covered by any ofthe ANSI A92 standards.
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