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ASME B18.3-2012
- Socket Cap, Shoulder, Set Screws, and Hex Keys (Inch Series)
- standard by ASME International, 04/24/2013
- Publisher: ASME
This Standard covers complete general and dimensionaldata for various types of hexagon socket capscrews, shoulder screws, set screws, and hexagon keysrecognized as an American National Standard. Alsoincluded are appendices that provide specifications forhexagon socket gages and gaging, tables showing applicabilityof keys and bits to various socket screw typesand sizes, drill and counterbore sizes for socket headcap screws, and formulas used for dimensional data.However, where questions arise concerning acceptanceof product, the dimensions in the tables shall governover recalculation by formula. Recess dimensions forType VI recesses are given in Mandatory Appendix III.