• ASME B29.27-2002 (R2016)
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ASME B29.27-2002 (R2016)

  • Single Pitch and Double Pitch Hollow Pin Conveyor Chains and Attachments
  • standard by ASME International, 08/01/2002
  • Publisher: ASME


This Standard covers the dimensional limits required for chain interchangeability on sprockets. It does not provide for interconnectability of chains or individual links from different manufacturers. Hollow-pin chain, double pitch is a series of alternately assembled roller links and pin links in which the hollow pins articulate inside the bushings. The pitch of the link plates is twice that of the link plates of the base series chain. Pin link plates and roller link plates have identical straight-edge contours. Chains may have large rollers that are intended for use when the conveyed load is carried by the rollers. Hollow-pin chain, single-pitch is a series of alternately assembled roller links and pin links in which the hollow pins articulate inside the bushings. The main topics are (a) Hollow pin chains; and (b) Sprockets. There is a Table on General chain dimensions, Limiting dimensions for interchangeability, Measuring loads and Ultimate tensile strengths.

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