• ASME B30.13-2003 (R2008)
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ASME B30.13-2003 (R2008)

  • Storage/Retrieval(S/R) Machines and Associated Equipment
  • standard by ASME International, 01/01/2003
  • Publisher: ASME


Within the general scope defined in Section I, ASME B30.13 applies to storage/retrieval (S/R) machines and associated equipment, such as aisle transfer cars and aisle equipment (as defined in para. 13-0.2.1), and interfaces with other material handling equipment covered under other standards. The provisions of this Standard applying to S/R machines shall apply equally to the construction, installation, inspection, testing, maintenance, and operation of aisle trasfer cars and any load handling equipment which is part of or attached to S/R machines or aisle transfer cars.

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