• ASME B30.6-2015
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ASME B30.6-2015

  • Derricks
  • standard by ASME International, 08/10/2015
  • Publisher: ASME


ASME B30.6 includes provisions that apply to the construction, installation, operation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of guy, stiffleg, basket, breast, gin pole, Chicago boom, shearleg, and A-frame derricks. Thesederricks, powered by winches through systems of wire rope reeving, are used for lifting, lowering, and horizontalmovement of freely suspended unguided loads.

Derricks are usually stationary mounted and may be temporarily or permanently installed. The provisionsincluded in this Volume also apply to any variations of these types of derricks with the same fundamentalcharacteristics, except those specified for floating derricks in ASME B30.8, Floating Cranes and Floating Derricks.

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