• ASME OM-2009
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ASME OM-2009

  • Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants, Includes Addenda A (2011)
  • standard by ASME International, 02/26/2010
  • Publisher: ASME


The 2009 consolidated code, standards, and guides for nuclear power plants, titled Operationand Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants, are arranged into three distinct divisions. The titlesof some of the sections have been shortened to simplify the presentation purely for the user'sease of review and use. Reference to the individual published code, standard, or guide shouldbe made for the specific title and the application requirements. Subsequent changes made to theDivision contents will be detailed in future addenda publications in separately listed summaryof changes sections. Interpretations and code cases are included as a separate section followingDivision 3 for the user's convenience.

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