• ASME QEI-1-2001
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ASME QEI-1-2001

  • Standard for the Qualification of Elevator Inspectors
  • standard by ASME International, 01/01/2001
  • Publisher: ASME


This Standard includes requirements for the qualification, duties, and responsibilities of inspectors and inspection supervisors engaged in the inspection and testing of: (a) hoisting and lowering mechanisms, equipped with a car or platform, that move between two or more landings; this equipment includes, but is not limited to,the following: (1) elevators (ASME A17,1); (2) platform and stairway chairlifts (ASME A18.1); (b) power-driven stairways and walkways for carrying persons between landings; this equipment includes, but is not limited to, the following: (1) escalators (ASME A17.1); (2) moving walks (ASME A17.1); (c) hoisting and lowering mechanisms equipped with a car that serves two or more landings and is restricted to the carrying of material by its limited size or limited access to the car; this equipment includes, but is not limited to, the following: (1) dumbwaiters (ASME A17.1); (2) material lifts and dumbwaiters with automatic transfer devices (ASME A17.1). NOTE: Appendix B also includes recommended qualifications and duties of Inspector trainees.

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