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  • Local Stresses in Nozzles in Shells and Formed Heads from External Loads
  • standard by ASME International, 06/26/2015
  • Publisher: ASME


This report contains recommendations and supporting data for rules to compute local stresses in nozzles inshells and formed heads due to external loads and pressure.

The purpose of this report is to compute local stresses in nozzles and shells in the D/T range from 7 to 2500,the d/D range from 0 to 0.7 and the t/T range from 0.1 to 10. Rules for the evaluation of the local stresses in accordance with ASME BPVC Section VIII - Division 2 - Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels - Alternative Rules are also provided along with validation comparisons against other correlations, finite element results and test data. Pad reinforced nozzles are considered but little validation is available. Pad reinforced nozzle guidelines should be used with caution.

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