• ASME Y14.38-2007 (R2013)
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ASME Y14.38-2007 (R2013)

  • Abbreviations and Acronyms for Use on Drawings and Related Documents
  • standard by ASME International, 04/25/2008
  • Publisher: ASME


The intent of this Standard is to allow the use ofapproved abbreviations in lieu of the use of completewords or terminology. Abbreviations defined by thisStandard need not be additionally defined by the usingdrawing or related document. It is not the intent of thisStandard to include abbreviations defined or establishedin other standards such as those for scientific termsand notations. However, an exception is made for thoseabbreviations that have widespread use and recognition,for example, AM for amplitude modulation, and FM forfrequency modulation (radio).

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