• ASSE A10.24-2014
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ASSE A10.24-2014

  • Roofing Safety Requirements for Low-Sloped Roofs
  • standard by American Society of Safety Engineers, 12/03/2014
  • Publisher: ASSE


This standard establishessafe operating practices for the installation,maintenance and removal of membraneroofing that is seamed or seamless on lowslopedroofs, which means the roof has aslope that is less than or equal to 4 in 12(18°). These types of roofs include but arenot necessarily limited to: hot and cold builtuproofing, single-ply roofing, spraypolyurethane foam (SPF) roofing, liquid-typeroofing (Hypalon®, polyurethane, etc.) andmodified bitumens.

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