• ASTM D2000-00e1
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ASTM D2000-00e1

  • Standard Classification System for Rubber Products in Automotive Applications
  • standard by ASTM International, 01/01/2000
  • Publisher: ASTM


1.1 This classification system tabulates the properties of vulcanized rubber materials (natural rubber, reclaimed rubber, synthetic rubbers, alone or in combination) that are intended for, but not limited to, use in rubber products for automotive applications.

Note 1--This classification system may serve many of the needs of other industries in much the same manner as SAE numbered steels. It must be remembered, however, that this system is subject to revision when required by automotive needs. It is recommended that the latest revision always be used.

1.2 This classification system is based on the premise that the properties of all rubber products can be arranged into characteristic material designations. These designations are determined by types, based on resistance to heat aging, and classes, based on resistance to swelling in oil. Basic levels are thus established which, together with values describing additional requirements, permit complete description of the quality of all elastomeric materials.

1.3 In all cases where the provisions of this classification system would conflict with those of the detailed specifications for a particular product, the latter shall take precedence.

Note 2--When the rubber product is to be used for purposes where the requirements are too specific to be completely prescribed by this classification system, it is necessary for the purchaser to consult the supplier in advance, to establish the appropriate properties, test methods, and specification test limits.

1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.

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