ASTM D2275-14
- Standard Test Method for Voltage Endurance of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials Subjected to Partial Discharges (Corona) on the Surface
- standard by ASTM International, 11/01/2014
- Publisher: ASTM
1.1 This test method determines the voltage endurance of solid electrical insulating materials for use at commercial power frequencies under the action of corona (see Note 1). This test method is more meaningful for rating materials with respect to their resistance to prolonged ac stress under corona conditions for comparative evaluation between materials.
Note 1: The term “corona” is used almost exclusively in this test method instead of “partial discharge,” because it is a visible glow at the edge of the electrode interface that is the result of partial discharge. Corona, as defined in Terminology D1711, is “visible partial discharges in gases adjacent to a conductor.”
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