ASTM E867-02a
- Terminology Relating to Vehicle-Pavement Systems
- standard by ASTM International, 06/10/2002
- Publisher: ASTM
1.1 This terminology covers definitions for approved standards under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E17 on Vehicle-Pavement Systems. Definitions of terms specific to an individual standard are listed in the appendix. For additional information, see Terminology D 8, Terminology F 538, Special Report 113, and SAE J 2047.
1.2 Other publications may reference this terminology for terms used therein.
1.3 The standard containing the term and the responsible subcommittee of Committee E17 is listed at the end of each definition. Revision of the listed standard by that subcommittee will include review of the definition and approved changes or additions will be incorporated herein.
1.4 The terms in this terminology are listed in categories of the five groups of Committee E17. These are Administration, Skid Resistance, Roughness, Pavement Management, and Intelligent Vehicle/Highway Systems.
1.5 This terminology lists the definition as presented in the approved standards. Variation of any term is also listed and referenced to the defined term (for example the term hydroplaning, viscous is also listed and referenced to the defined viscous hydroplaning).
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