ASTM International, formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards. Today, some 13,000 ASTM standards are used around the world to improve product quality, enhance safety, facilitate market access and trade, and build consumer confidence.

ASTM STP 1319-97

ASTM STP 1319-97

Flammability & Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres - 8th Volume

$47.00 $94.00

ASTM STP 1320-97

ASTM STP 1320-97

Insulation Materials: Testing and Applications

$28.00 $56.00

ASTM STP 1321-97

ASTM STP 1321-97

Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics

$55.00 $110.00

ASTM STP 1322-97

ASTM STP 1322-97

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$25.00 $49.00

ASTM STP 1325-99

ASTM STP 1325-99

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$75.00 $149.00

ASTM STP 1327-98

ASTM STP 1327-98

Bearing Steels: Into the 21st Century

$56.00 $112.00

ASTM STP 1328-97

ASTM STP 1328-97

Pesticide Formulations & Application Systems - 17th Volume

$32.00 $63.00

ASTM STP 1329-98

ASTM STP 1329-98

Small Specimen Test Techniques

$67.00 $133.00

ASTM STP 1330-98

ASTM STP 1330-98

Composite Materials: Fatigue and Fracture, 7th Volume

$53.00 $105.00

ASTM STP 1331-98

ASTM STP 1331-98

The Design & Application of Controlled Low-Strength Materials (Flowable Fill)

$39.00 $78.00

ASTM STP 1332-99

ASTM STP 1332-99

Fatigue & Fracture Mechanics

$26.00 $51.00

ASTM STP 1333-98

ASTM STP 1333-98

Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: 7th Volume

$48.00 $95.00

ASTM STP 1334-99

ASTM STP 1334-99

Science & Technology of Building Seals, Sealants, Glazing & Waterproofing

$40.00 $80.00

ASTM STP 1335-99

ASTM STP 1335-99

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$88.00 $175.00

ASTM STP 1336-98

ASTM STP 1336-98

Very Large-Scale Fires

$74.00 $147.00

Showing 58936 to 58950 of 59674 (3979 Pages)