• ATIS 0300085
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ATIS 0300085

  • BCSC Test Specification for Product Label Scanning
  • standard by Alliance for Telecommunication Industry Solutions, 06/01/2008
  • Publisher: ATIS


This document provides a recommended minimum set of tests that should be performed to test the ability to accurately read individual symbols in a simulated asset management process. The primary intent of these tests is to quantify the ability of both imagers and laser scanners to isolate one symbol in close proximity to other symbols simulating a central office environment. The Data Capture Spreadsheet (ATIS0300085datacap.xls) accompanies the BCSC Test Specification for Product Label Scanning. This spreadsheet contains several worksheets, which should be used to verify test results. The two used for testing are called ¿Output-All¿ and ¿Output-Excl Data Matrix¿. The ¿Output-All¿ spreadsheet shall be used for BCSC Test #2. The ¿Output-Excl Data Matrix¿ spreadsheet shall be used for BCSC Test #3 and BCSC Test #4. More information on the Data Capture Spreadsheet can be found in Appendix C of ATIS-0300085.

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