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ATIS 0300102
- Scanner Testing Results per ATIS-0300085, BCSC Test Specification for Product Label Scanning
- standard by Alliance for Telecommunication Industry Solutions, 01/04/2011
- Publisher: ATIS
This document provides generic results of tests that were performed through ATIS-0300085, BCSC Test Specification for Product Label Scanning, to test the ability to accurately read individual symbols in a simulated asset management process. The primary intent of the tests in ATIS-0300085, BCSC Test Specification for Product Label Scanning, was to quantify the ability of both imagers and laser scanners to isolate one symbol in close proximity to other symbols simulating a central office environment. The scanning results compiled in this document evaluate the ability of imagers and laser scanners to discriminate between labels placed in close proximity. For more information, please see ATIS-0300085, BCSC Test Specification for Product Label Scanning.
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