• ATIS 0600332.2010
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ATIS 0600332.2010

  • Electrical Protection of Network-Powered Broadband Facilities (Revision of T1.332-1999)
  • standard by Alliance for Telecommunication Industry Solutions, 05/13/2010
  • Publisher: ATIS


This standard provides the minimum electrical protection requirements intended to mitigate the disruptive and damaging effects of lightning and ac power faults to broadband facilities. Disturbances from lightning and ac power line faults may be disruptive to broadband service and may also result in damage to the braodband plant and equipment. Head ends, switching centers and similar type facilities, outside plant cables and the interface point at customer locations are often exposed to such disturbances, either directly or through the broadband cables and ac power facilities that serve them, and employ electrical protection meausres that are intended to reduce the effects of such disturbances.

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