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ATIS 1000639.1995(R2006)
- Calling Name Identification Restriction (formerly T1.639-1995 (R2006) )
- standard by Alliance for Telecommunication Industry Solutions, 01/01/1995
- Publisher: ATIS
This standard is one of a series that defines and describes supplementary services. These services may be made available for users with non-ISDN interfaces who access SS7 capable networks and also within the context of an Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). This standard describes Calling Name Identification Restriction, which is an originating service that allows a user to alter the network stored or subscribed privacy status associated with the user's Calling Name. The associated switching and signaling specification are also provided. This service may be made available on demand or in a subscription arrangement. The interaction of this service with other service capabilities defined in American National Standards is also included. The purpose of this standard is to allow maximum compatibility among network and user owned telecommunications equipment in order to increase the attractiveness and usefulness of the additional information transfer capabilities of SS7 and ISDN-based capabilities. When more than one network is involved in the provision of network capabilities or service specified in this standard, bilateral agreements among the networks involved may be required. Such agreements are outside the scope of this standard.
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