• ATIS T1.TRQ.11-2004
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ATIS T1.TRQ.11-2004

  • Recording Outages in Packet Network Elements
  • standard by Alliance for Telecommunication Industry Solutions, 05/01/2004
  • Publisher: ATIS


Currently, outage alarm messages from packet network elements (e.g., IP routers) are generated in large numbers. They are not automatically translated into meaningful inferences with the cause, impact, and duration of the underlying failure without either human or external operational support systems. This Technical Requirements Document provides a set of requirements to accurately capture critical details related to such element outages and to create the necessary framework for automated delivery of outage reports. The goal is to fully capture these critical requirements for all packet network technologies such as IP, ATM, Frame Relay and enable service providers to swiftly initiate remedial solutions in real time as well as accurately develop the necessary reliability programs for these elements.

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