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  • Determination of Oxine-Copper in Treating Solutions and Treated Wood by Potentiometric Bromination Titration
  • standard by American Wood Protection Association, 07/01/2000
  • Publisher: AWPA


This method is intended for the determinationof oxine-copper (AWPA P8) in treating solutions andtreated wood samples, when a method that is specificfor oxine (8-hydroxyquinoline) is required. Thismethod will differentiate oxine-copper (Cu8HQ: alsocalled copper-8-hydroxyquinoline or copper-8-quinolinolate) from other copper-containing biocides.An alternative method for the quantitation of this bio-cideis the determination of total copper by atomic ab-sorptionspectroscopy.

This potentiometric titrafion monitors the brominesubstitution reaction in the 5, 7 positions on theoxine moiety of copper-8-hydroxyquinoline in aqueousacid solution, with potassium bromate-potassium bromidetitrant. Although there may be other brominatablespecies in the wood extracts that contribute to a highblank, they are effectively subtracted out by running standard additions standard curve.

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