• AWPA BOOK-2013
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  • Book of Standards, 2013 Edition
  • standard by American Wood Protection Association, 05/01/2013
  • Publisher: AWPA


This annually-updated, paper-bound, 8-1/2" by 11", publication contains all of AWPA's Standards for Preservatives, Analysis Methods, Evaluation and Miscellaneous along with Standard Conversion Factors and Correction Tables, Metric Equivalents Table and an Index. Also included are AWPA's Technical Committee Regulations.The American Wood-Preservers' Association Book of Standards is intended for use by the wood preserving industry as well as for guidance of the purchaser in specifying and obtaining adequately treated wood products. The purpose of these Standards is to ensure that wood products are treated with suitable preservatives for reasons of safety, service and savings resulting from unnecessary expensive replacements.

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