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AWPA C9-00
- Plywood - Preservative Treatment by Pressure Process
- standard by American Wood Protection Association, 07/01/2000
- Publisher: AWPA
The AWPA C Standards are no longer under development and have been replaced by AWPA Standards U1 and T1. U1 contains information for end users/specifiers, and T1 contains treating requirements for manufacturers
This specification is applicable toplywood composed only of softwood veneers, withoutlumber cores and with or without plastic overlays meetingU.S. NBS Voluntary Product Standard PS-l (IndustrialPlywood), glued only with waterproof adhesives except asspecifically noted below. Plywood meeting PS-1 shall bemarked Exterior or Exposure-1. Marine grade plywood isalso included under this Standard as defined in PS-1.Hardwood plywood and softwood plywood containinghardwood veneers is excluded under this Standard. Interioror water resistive adhesives may be used if the plywood isto be treated with oil-based (non-polar) preservatives andthe intended use is for protection against termites only inbuildings fully protected from the weather.
This specification is applicable toplywood composed only of softwood veneers, withoutlumber cores and with or without plastic overlays meetingU.S. NBS Voluntary Product Standard PS-l (IndustrialPlywood), glued only with waterproof adhesives except asspecifically noted below. Plywood meeting PS-1 shall bemarked Exterior or Exposure-1. Marine grade plywood isalso included under this Standard as defined in PS-1.Hardwood plywood and softwood plywood containinghardwood veneers is excluded under this Standard. Interioror water resistive adhesives may be used if the plywood isto be treated with oil-based (non-polar) preservatives andthe intended use is for protection against termites only inbuildings fully protected from the weather.
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