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AWPA E16-14
- Standard Field Test for Evaluation of Wood Preservatives to be Used Above Ground (UC3B): Horizontal Lap-Joint Test
- standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2014
- Publisher: AWPA
This Standard specifies a method of test for wood preservatives that are intended for use in wood to be exposed to the weather out of contact with the ground without the additional protection of a surface coating (i.e. Use Category 3). The method should be used in situations where the AWPA Standard E9, a method of test for wood preservatives applied in combination with a coating, is not applicable.
The main objective of the method is to evaluate the relative effectiveness of the preservative, applied to jointedsamples of pine sapwood by a treatment method relevant to its intended practical use. Effectiveness is evaluated relative to a reference preservative treatment. The method is concerned with the protection against decay after exposure to the complete range of micro-organisms occurring under natural conditions. It also takes into account physico-chemical effects of weathering on the performance of the preservative treatedwood.
The main objective of the method is to evaluate the relative effectiveness of the preservative, applied to jointedsamples of pine sapwood by a treatment method relevant to its intended practical use. Effectiveness is evaluated relative to a reference preservative treatment. The method is concerned with the protection against decay after exposure to the complete range of micro-organisms occurring under natural conditions. It also takes into account physico-chemical effects of weathering on the performance of the preservative treatedwood.
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