• AWS D1.1 CCRM:2015
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AWS D1.1 CCRM:2015

  • AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code Steel - Reference Manual: Code Clinic Reference Manual
  • Handbook / Manual / Guide by American Welding Society, 2015
  • Publisher: AWS


Official textbook for CWI preparatory seminar. Helps CWI candidates prepare for the open-book portion of the CWI examination, which tests ability to navigate through a code and find correct answers within a specified time.

AWS Education Services publishes the AWS Code Clinic Workbook to guide and assist quality professionals - inspectors, supervisors, etc. - and quality-conscious engineers and managers in reading, understanding, and learning to apply industrial codes such as the Structural Welding Code-Steel. AWS D1.1: 2015 covers the welding requirements for any type of welded structure made from the commonly used carbon and low-alloy steels.

Includes practice questions similar to the exam questions, and the answers.

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