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- Today's Composite Elevated Storage Tanks
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/16/2002
- Publisher: AWWA
Over the last two decades,composite tanks for water storage, tanks witha steel tank storage container atop a reinforcedconcrete pedestal, have gained popularity.The challenge for tank owners, engineers, anddesigners has been that no widely recognizedstandards were in place to provide guidancefor the construction of these types of tanks.AWWA Standard Committee D170 isworking to fill those gaps and provide acomprehensive standard that will supply tankowners and specifiers with the tools needed todesign, specify, build, and maintain thesestructures. It will also aid the tank owner inbetter determining the type of tank (steel, concrete,composite) that will best serve theirwater system needs now and in the years tocome.This paper reviews the development of the composite tank and includes a state-of-the-artlook at what concepts are being built today, the status of the standards process, howcomposite tanks differ from the AWWA D100 tanks, and how to properly specify acomposite elevated tank. Includes table, figures.