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  • Mastering Program Management Strategy & Tactics: A Synthesis of Tools to Defeat Implementation Paralysis
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/16/2002
  • Publisher: AWWA


By definition, program management involves effective coordination of a multitude of projects and processes ranging from complex analyses of alternative treatment techniques to efficient review and payment of contractor invoices. For relatively transactional functions, certain automated tools like web-based financial management, project scheduling, and document management systems have established new benchmarks. However, while the tactics of program implementation may be well-defined, strategy development often remains cumbersome, reliant on discrete and disconnected analytical tools. This paper discusses the evolution of a program management approach which synthesizes these discrete analyses, unifies decision-making within a structured decision-making framework, and leverages the value of well-established transaction processing techniques. Program management strategies must address: selection, permitting and sequencing of infrastructure improvements; balancing of program impacts with ongoing operational requirements; and, regulatory compliance protocols. Yet, because these issues often must be evaluated through relatively discrete, specialized, expert analyses (e.g., plant analysis technology, hydraulic modeling, process design) strategy development may be compromised by the absence of decision-making processes that ensure effective synthesis of analytical outcomes. An enhanced approach may unify the strategic and tactical aspects of program management through use of structured decision processes. These processes aid in the development of sound strategy by ensuring correct framing of implementation objectives and constraints, determining the set of information necessary to efficiently perform critical analyses, and applying decision analysis tools to formally evaluate alternative strategies. Decision analysis tools may range from relatively simple evaluation matrices to more complex system simulation or decision-tree software. These tools may draw from program management document and scheduling databases and may populate program libraries. However, their common characteristic is the evaluation of the outcomes of a plethora of discrete analyses to help determine (and document) appropriate strategy. In so doing, an enhanced program management approach will synthesize local and expert intelligence to define a program implementation strategy, and establish transactions management protocols to efficiently effect that strategy. Further, by making strategy development a component of the program management infrastructure, unanticipated events or outcomes may be addressed quickly and comprehensively, thereby best assuring that the overall program maintains its course and schedule. Includes figures.

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