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- Chlorine Dioxide and Ozone, a Useful Combination
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/15/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
The Contra Costa Water District (CCWD), through an American Water WorksAssociation Research Foundation (AwwaRF) Tailored Collaboration Project,conducted an evaluation of the efficacy of preoxidation with a combination ofchlorine dioxide (ClO2) and ozone (O3) at its 40 mgd Randall-Bold WaterTreatment Plant (WTP). This facility is a direct filtration plant that uses raw waterpreozonation for taste and odor control and filtration enhancement andozonation after filtration (post ozonation) for primary disinfection. Resultsindicated that: ClO2 addition before preozonation reduced bromate formation;a majority of the chlorite formed by ClO2 reactions with raw waterconstituents was oxidized to chlorate by ozonation; and, preoxidation withClO2 was as effective as preoxidation with ozone for enhancing filtration.