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- Factors Impacting the CFD-Based Modeling of UV Reactor Performance
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/15/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)-based validation of ultraviolet (UV) reactor performance has enormous potential as a cost effective and versatile tool forfacilitating the implementation of UV disinfection for drinking water treatment. Key to using CFD-based validationis obtaining regulatory acceptance. This work provides an assessment of the impact five factors on CFD-basedpredictions of dose delivery for one commercial UV reactor. Dose delivery by the reactor is influenced by thenumber of microbes simulated in the model and by the number of simulations that pass fully through the UV reactorand are not "trapped". The Reduction Equivalent Dose (RED) calculated using the CFD-model is dependent on theUV sensitivity of the microbe used in the model. The dependence is greater at lower UV transmittance values.Predictions of RED and velocity profiles with a ninety-degree bend upstream of the reactor did not differ frompredictions with a straight pipe inlet. Predictions of RED were also the same with the use of RNG and ke turbulencemodels. Includes 5 references, tables, figures.
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