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- Competitive Effects of NOM: Application of a 3-Component Model to Atrazine Adsorption in PAC/Membrane Processes
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 06/15/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
Natural organic matter (NOM) hinders adsorption of trace organic compounds bypowdered activated carbon (PAC) via two mechanisms: direct site competition by small,strongly adsorbing molecules, and pore blockage by large molecules. Li et al. (2002)developed a three-component model, COMPSORB, to describe atrazine adsorption incontinuous flow PAC/membrane systems by using two model compounds to representstrongly competing and pore blocking fractions of NOM, respectively. The primaryobjective of this research was to show that COMPSORB can be applied to natural watersystems. In this research the authors established a quantitative analytical method todetermine the necessary NOM characteristics so that the 3-component model can be usedto predict PAC performance in continuous-flow PAC/membrane systems. NOM wasdifferentiated into two fictive fractions based on adsorptive characteristics andcompetition mechanisms in order to obtain equilibrium and kinetic parameters for thesefractions from batch test data. Model prediction using these data to predict atrazineremoval in a PAC/membrane system treating natural water were conducted, as well asthe real PAC/MF experiments using natural water. The results show promising results incharacterizing NOM for prediction of PAC performance in water treatment. Includes 8 references, tables, figures.
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